
Common Dog Diseases Vitamin Deficiency

pet symptoms

Deficiency of vitamin

Vitamins are substances or elements that are needed in order to live a healthy dog. If the deficiency of vitamins then the dog will be deficient. Vitamin deficiencies are common in dogs include deficiency of vitamin A, D, E and B complex.

Deficiency of Vitamin A

Vitamin A deficiency is characterized as follows:

  • Disorders of the eye, eyes misty, watery eyes. Severe deficiency can lead to blindness, xerophthalmia.
  • Stunted growth, stunted.
  • Disturbance on the back foot when walking so dragged.
  • Fatigue, weakness, rough and dull fur.
  • Restlessness, skin inflammation and neurological disorders.
  • Miscarriage, children who are born weak, eye abnormalities, decreased fertility.
  • Body resistance to disease is low, susceptible to disease infection.

Deficiency of vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is usually due to lack of sunlight into the cage. Deficiency of vitamin D have the following signature: arthritis and swelling, decreased appetite, looked thin, stunted growth, often become stunted, fragile bones brittle, coarse fur and dull, sometimes bleeding under the skin, richetsiosis disease.

Deficiency of vitamin E

Animals in dire need of vitamin E because the body naturally cannot make vitamin E. This vitamin thus should be added to food. If up to a deficiency of vitamin E, it would appear the symptoms associated with fertility genitals. Deficiency of vitamin E resulted in the following matters: the case of infertility in the parent, passion disruption in male dogs, muscle growth disorders, disorders of the muscles, and then continues into dystrophy muscle, skin diseases, dermatitis, feathers fall out easily, becoming an adult slow sex and sometimes continued with infertility.

Deficiency of vitamin B complex

If there is a deficiency of vitamin B complex it will show the following symptoms: decreased appetite, gastrointestinal disturbances, stunted growth, susceptible to diseases of the skin (dermatitis), dry and scaly skin, anemia, dull hair and rugged, easy loss, stunted growth in fur , weight loss, impaired red blood cell formation, especially in Ca panthothenate, causing feathers fall out easily, specifically to biotin cause skin irritation so susceptible to dermatitis, inhibited the growth of feathers.

Prevent Anorexia

common dog diseases
common dog diseases

Dogs do not like eating or loss of appetite are common. Sometimes within a few hours was able to heal itself so it was not observed by dog owners. In pseudoanorexia, the dog still has appetite but can not eat because of the disruption in chewing or swallowing, or because of toothache, and others.

Common causes of anorexia

Sometimes due to a heavy meal that occurs due to light and followed by abdominal pain. Exposed to the wind that constantly so susceptible to disease. Fill the cage is too full so lost dominance. Mild infectious diseases. Stale food, bad or moldy, and others. Dental pain and injury to the stomach. Gingivitis, oral diseases, throat infections, and dental abnormalities.

Common symptoms that often occur

Did not want to eat because of the pain when swallowing food (dyspahgia). Feel pain when eating or chewing (odynophagia). Severe bad breath (halitosis). Dog feces are small and hard. Weight loss, stress, and lethargic.

How to prevent

Should cage sanitation in total. Check the mouth, whether there are abnormal, injury, and others. Give regular worming. Here we see the symptoms are obvious: while eating just chooses any meat (do not want the dog pellets). The provision of sufficient vitamins, including vitamin c.


To improve the appetite, add vitamin B complex in their drinking water. Add vitamin and mineral supplements. Injectable with Vitamin B Complex to restore the lost appetite. Give tablet binatric. Give curcuma rhizome extract to increase appetite and improve digestion dog.
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Dog Diseases Symptoms
Dog Diseases Symptoms

Symptoms such as eye disease xerophthalmia foggy common in certain types of dogs, especially dogs with slightly protruding eyes, for example pug, Japan spaniel, Pekingese, Pomeranian, cocker spaniel, and others. Xerophthalmia disease occurs due to chronic vitamin deficiency causing specific symptoms in both eyes. Eye dogs like misty, dryness of the cornea and continues to be blind.

The cause of this disease

  • The main cause is a severe vitamin A deficiency. 
  • Mechanical trauma due to excessive rub eyes. 
  • Eyelashes dog into the eye, causing irritation, such as the long-haired dogs. 
  • Exposure to corrosive chemicals. 
  • Secondary infection by viruses or bacteria. 
  • Esophageal eyeball parasites on dogs. 
  • There was an injury to the lining of the eye dog for scratches dust or dirt, ammonia gas and smoke.

Factors that affect

Dog Diseases Symptoms
Dog Diseases Symptoms

  • The food is deficient in vitamin A. 
  • Poor nutrition, especially protein. 
  • Mechanical trauma, such eyelashes come in, smoke, chemicals, ammonia, and others. 
  • There is a parasite that enters the eye. 
  • There was a failure to wet the surface of the eye lens normally resulting in dryness of the eyeball.

Clinical symptoms of xerophthalmia disease in dogs

  • The eyes appear red and watery. His eyelids looked swollen. 
  • Eye mucous membranes damaged by deficiency of vitamin A. 
  • Corneal dog eyes become dry, sometimes looks like a foggy. 
  • Appears gray white spot on eye dog commonly referred to as bitot's spot. 
  • Patches are the longer it will widen. 
  • Eyeball dog fore increasingly prominent. 
  • In severe conditions and visible ulcers at the end of the central cornea and boil bursts when there will be permanent blindness. 
  • If there is a secondary infection it will fester and the eyes look yellow viscous liquid pool of greenish. 
  • Excessive tears that wet fur around the eyes. 
  • There was thickening and keratinocytes in the epithelial cells of the eye.

Xerophthalmia disease prevention

Dog Diseases Symptoms
Dog Diseases Symptoms
Sanitation kennels continuously in order to prevent the occurrence of symptoms of xerophthalmia. Long-haired dogs should hair cut and trimmed so as not to disturb the eye. Cages should be free of pollution and excessive moisture that can cause disease symptoms. Give the eye drops containing antibiotic chloramphenicol. Improve nutrition by giving high doses of vitamin A, especially in dogs whose eyes rather prominent. If the eye disease, should be treated first.

Xerophthalmia disease treatment

Treated with eye drops or ointment containing Chloramphenicol with levels of 0.5% or drops with penicillin oil. Give vitamin A orally or injection, or more complete with the injection of vitamins A, D, E 2 times a week in order to quickly recover. Thus tips on how to prevent and treat symptoms of xerophthalmia dog diseases. Hope it is useful. Thank you for visiting..
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