
Pet Symptoms

pet symptoms
pet symptoms

Mineral Deficiency

Mineral deficiency in dogs will lead to a lifetime of growth disorders. If not quickly addressed continuously and diligently, and to restore it takes a long time. It is important to note that each of the races and types of dogs have different mineral needs once.

Large breed requires more minerals than any other race, for example German shepherd, Great Dane, boxer, Doberman pincher, Dalmatian, and others. Dogs are mentioned when a mineral deficiency will develop disorders that can be directly visible, namely impaired bone growth so crooked legs, swollen joints, rib bumps. If it will be too late treated permanent disability. Mineral deficiency diseases are common in dogs, among others; deficiency of calcium and phosphorus, magnesium, ferrum, cuprum, manganese, Zincum, and iodine.

Deficiency of calcium and phosphorus

When dogs lack of calcium and phosphorus it will display the following symptoms:
Suffering from rickets
Abnormal bone growth occurs. Legs will be bent while the joints swell with an irregular shape. Growth is slow. If the walk will look stiff. Sometimes back hunchbacked and brittle bones. And walk visible limp.

Suffer osteomalacia
Bones softened. This happens due to lack of calcium minerals that the body needs calcium is then taken from the bones which then causes the bones to become changed shape. Paralysis in the hind legs.

Suffering from osteoporosis
Bone mineral loss so that it becomes brittle, easily broken, and smaller size.

Suffer exclampsia
At first the dog looks shaky then convulsions during pregnancy or when giving birth and breastfeeding her child.

Calcium deficiency in pregnant while giving birth will result in time where there will be no cause convulsions, high fever, bulging eyes, loss of appetite, somewhat unsteadily, while the cold legs, seizures, and stiff.

Pet symptoms can be prevented early. Calcium along with phosphorus is an essential element for the formation of tissue, skeleton, bones and teeth. This mineral deficiency results in stunted sex mature or become infertile. Sometimes specific symptoms in dog’s mineral deficiencies, such as eating grass and soil and eventually vomiting. Phosphorous has an important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates through certain enzymes.
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